PhotoQt v1.6
Published: 20th of February, 2018
More than a year has passed since the last release of PhotoQt. That is quite a lot of time. For a large part of that time I was not able to work much on PhotoQt as life kept me very busy. However, now it is finally here: The all-new release of PhotoQt version 1.6!
The code has changed a lot since the last release, more than 600 commits made it into git! Some of the main changes are:
- Restructured code: PhotoQt was completely restructured to improve performance (and code maintainability). One of the things that was done to improve its performance was to hide all those parts of PhotoQt that might not be needed in any one session behind Loader's and only load them when actually needed. This means that PhotoQt now starts not just a little bit faster, but (according to some simple testing on my laptop) almost 4 times faster!
- Reworked elements: Some of the elements were re-worked to make them faster and to fix bugs (also due to better maintainability). One notable example of this is the element for opening files. Not only is it now significantly faster than before, it also has some nice features (e.g., proper drag-and-drop for adding folders to the bookmarks section, quick hover thumbnail, and more) and lost plenty of bugs.
- Online integration: Don't worry, PhotoQt does not connect to anywhere online. Except if you tell it to upload an image directly to PhotoQt can upload images to both anonymously and to a connected user account. In either case, it reports back the URL to view the image and the URL to delete it.
- Main Image: The main image element is another area that was completely revamped. For example, the main image can now be moved freely, i.e., it is not anymore tied to the screen edges. It also implements proper touchscreen support (go ahead, try it out), and can now pause animated images. On the flipside, it currently does not support 'zoom to mouse position', i.e., when zooming the image it always zoom to/from the image center. I hope to change this for the next release, however, I believe it is only a minor issue (if at all).
- Export/Import: You like PhotoQt. You have it set up exactly the way you want to have it. You switch computers and/or install PhotoQt on a different one. Now you can export/import all the configuration files of PhotoQt from inside the settings manager and thus create a 'proper' copy of PhotoQt on a different machine! This can be done both from the graphical interface (inside settings manager) or through the command line.
- Shortcuts: Not only does PhotoQt now handle Shortcuts a little differently (most people shouldn't notice anything), but it now also allows to set the same key/mouse combo for multiple shortcuts, as requested repeatedly!
- Standalone: PhotoQt can now be started in standalone mode. This means, that you can have multiple instances of PhotoQt running at the same time, however, you wont be able to interact with any of them remotely. For example, clicking on an image to open it with PhotoQt would in that case start a new instance of PhotoQt (non-standalone).
These are only some of the bigger changes in PhotoQt v1.6. There are also plenty of other changes, too many to name them all here (a few more are listed in the Changelog). However, the best is to just try it out yourself! I'm sure you will love it!
Enjoy PhotoQt :-)
Lukas Spies