PhotoQt v4.8.1


by Lukas Spies

Contact: (you need to enable javascript to see the email address)
(make sure to add this email to your address book)
Source Code: Hosted on GitLab
License: GPL 2 (or later)
Translations: Managed through Crowdin

About PhotoQt

PhotoQt is an image viewer that does things a little different. Its unique interface might remind some of the 'Lightbox' image viewer that can be found on some websites. Others might be reminded of smartphone image viewers. In the end, there are certainly similarities, however, PhotoQt is written and optimized for normal desktop usage. As such, the main interface consists of nothing but the viewed image, with a few elements available as fade-in/slide-in (e.g., thumbnails along the bottom edge). With its flexibility and speed it can easily adapt perfectly to each individual workflow.

About Me

I am Lukas Spies, the sole developer of PhotoQt. Born and raised in Germany, I left my home country to pursue my university studies shortly after finishing high school. Since then I have lived for some years in Ireland, Canada, USA, and France, studying and doing research in Mathematics and Computer Science. Currently I am living in Paris, France performing research at INRIA.

Developing PhotoQt takes up quite a bit of my free time. I appreciate any donation showing your appreciation of my efforts.

If you are considering donating to support PhotoQt,
please consider donating to support humanitarian relief efforts in Ukraine instead.
