PhotoQt v2.4
Published: 22nd of October, 2021
After a short wedding-related break in developping PhotoQt over the summer, a new release of PhotoQt is ready, coming with several additions and improvements, some addressing years-old issues on GitLab.
Here are some of the highlights of this release:
- Zoom/Pinch to position: Up until now, PhotoQt would only zoom to the image center instead of where the mouse cursor was pointed. Starting now, PhotoQt zooms to/from the cursor position. The same applies to pinching on touchscreens.
- Exclude directories from caching/preloading: There are some cloud providers that only download files when acessed. Caching/preloading images would trigger this for all the files. Now there is an option to exclude directories (including its subdirectories) from any caching/preloading.
- Clicking on the empty area around the image previously could only close PhotoQt (if enabled). Now there is another option to also navigate to previous/next image depending on if the click happened in the empty area in the left or right half of the screen.
- New filetype icons: PhotoQt now has its own set of filetype icons that are shown before thumbnails are loaded. They allow to quickly and easily see what filetype an image is.
There have been several more smaller improvements, some more visible than others (e.g., new filetype icons). Since the last release there have also been some bug reports that were addressed, including:
- most metadata (Exif/XMP) was never refreshed when a new image was loaded
- placeholders in external shortcuts were only replaced when they were surrounded by spaces
- changes to the current image/folder were not reacted to
- wheel directions were reversed
See the Changelog for a more complete list of all the changes.
Besides the fixes/additions that affect all platforms, there have been many fixes specifically targetting Windows. The Windows version of PhotoQt is nearing feature parity to the Linux version, only a few (mostly minor) things are not yet supported.
If you want to help PhotoQt, there are a few ways you can do so:
- Join the translation team over on Crowdin. If your language is missing you can simply request it directly on Crowdin or send me an email and I can add it to the project.
- Give feedback of what you like/don't like, or what you think is missing from PhotoQt. To give feedback, send me an email or open an issue on GitLab.
- Support me with a donation to show your appreciation of all the time I spend developing/maintaining PhotoQt.
Enjoy PhotoQt,